High School Athletics

In the bustling world of high school sports, where every penny counts,athletic departments are facing an unexpected budget buster: papercertificates. Despite the digital age we live in, many schools are stillspending excessively on printed certificates to recognize athletes'achievements.

Take Frisco High School, for instance. Last year, they printed over 1,500certificates, acknowledging everything from “Most Improved” to “Team Spirit.”The cost? A staggering $5,000. This included not just the fancy paper andintricate designs, but also the printers, ink, and labor hours spent on thisoutdated tradition.

Enter Activelinkdigital certificates. The ability to issue digital assetsnot only cut down costs significantly but also align perfectly with thetech-savvy nature of today’s students. By using a digital certificate platformlike Activelink, Frisco High will spend a mere $500 annually— a 90% reductionin costs. The digital certificates are easily retrieved from students andparents using the Activelink white label platform. Students can print them ifthey wished, share them proudly on social media, and even leverage the digitalbadges to unlock unique privileges within the school sports community.

The benefits don’t stop at cost savings. Digital sports certificates fromActivelinkare eco-friendly, reducing paper waste and the school’s carbonfootprint. Moreover, they cater to the digital presence of modern athletes, whoare more likely to showcase their accomplishments online than in a physicalscrapbook. This move not only modernizes the recognition process but alsoenhances the school’s image as forward-thinking and environmentally conscious.

In conclusion, the shift from paper to digital certificates with Activelinkis a no-brainer for high school athletic departments. It’s a cost-effective,eco-friendly, and modern solution that resonates with today’s athletes. Learnmore about getting started with issuing your first digital asset withActivelink to deliver a next-generation credential that connects athletes tosports communities for life.

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